India: The World Health Organization (WHO) has warned against prescribing two India-made cough syrups for children after they were linked to the deaths of several children in Uzbekistan.
WHO stated that “the products, manufactured by Marion Biotech, were substandard, and the firm failed to meet quality standards or specifications.”
According to the statement, an analysis of the two cough syrups, Ambronol and Dok-1 Max, by the quality control laboratories of Uzbekistan’s health ministry found unacceptable amounts of two contaminants, diethylene glycol and ethylene glycol.

WHO further added that “both of these products may have marketing authorizations in other countries in the region. They may also have been distributed through informal markets to other countries or regions. The substandard products were unsafe, and their use, especially in children, may result in serious injury or death.”
The warning comes days after Uzbekistan alleged that 18 children died after consuming syrup made by the company.
The Health Ministry of India suspended production at the company after the deaths were reported in Uzbekistan. Later, the food safety department in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh, where Marion Biotech is based, suspended the company’s production licence.

India is widely known as the “world’s pharmacy” as it produces a third of the world’s medicines, meeting much of the medical needs of developing countries.
But the pharmacy industry has been under criticism after cough syrups made by Indian companies were linked to children’s deaths in other countries. Both the Indian government and the company, Maiden Pharmaceuticals, have denied the allegations.