United Kingdom: Researchers have created a vibrating tablet that induces feelings of fullness when swallowed before eating.
The study, which has not yet been conducted on humans, demonstrates that pigs used the Vibes pill for 30 minutes of activity and, on average, ate nearly 40 percent less food in the next half hour than they did without the device. They also gained weight more slowly.
The Vibrating Ingestible BioElectronic Stimulator is the full name of the pill, from which the name Vibes is an acronym.
According to the research done on pigs, the vibrations cause the stomach’s stretch receptors to become active, mimicking the presence of food.
As a result, the vagus nerve sends signals to the brain’s hypothalamus, raising hormone levels associated with feelings of fullness and lowering those associated with feelings of hunger.
“We envision the Vibes pill being ingested on a relatively empty stomach 20 to 30 min before anticipated meals to trigger the desired sensation of satiety early in the meal,” the team write, adding that when produced at scale, the cost of the pills is expected to be in the cents to one dollar range.

The battery-operated vibrations, which are triggered by a timer or when stomach acid dissolves the membrane surrounding the pill, are produced by the swallowed capsule.
The pills, which resemble large vitamin tablets, are said by the researchers to provide a non-invasive, short-term treatment option without the need for weight-loss surgery. They also leave the body with other solid waste, which means that in humans, they are flushed down the toilet.