Kurdish: New conflicts between police and Kurdish community members erupted in Paris as a result of the killing of three of their community members on 23rd December 2022.
Several cars were overturned and small fires set alight near Republic Square, the traditional venue for demonstrations in the city where Kurds earlier held a peaceful protest, as per the reports. Conflict broke out as some protesters exited the square. Police used tear gas to disperse the crowd.
In a busy area of Paris’ 10th district, a gunman shot and killed two people at a Kurdish cultural centre and a neighbouring cafe shocking the neighbourhood as it prepared to mark the tenth anniversary of the unsolved murder of three activists.

According to the authorities police has arrested a 69-year-old man who was recently released from custody while awaiting trial for a sabre assault on a migrant camp in Paris one year ago. The prosecutor’s office stated that after questioning the defendant, police had added an alleged racist motive to their initial charges of murder and violent crime.
The Kurdish Democratic Council in France (CDK-F) organised a protest in Republic Square following a clash between a mob and police. Hundreds of Kurdish protesters, joined by politicians including the mayor of the central 10th district, waved flags and listened to tributes to the victims.
Kurdish representatives, who met with Paris’ police chief reiterated their call for the shooting to be considered as a terror attack. The questioning of the suspect was continuing, the prosecutor’s office added.