United Kingdom: A study around the world found that magicians are less prone to mental health difficulties than other groups or the general population.
The research, led by Aberystwyth University’s psychology department, assessed the psychopathological traits of almost 200 magicians and compared the results with those of other artistic groups and the general population.
The study, published in the journal BJPsych Open, concluded that magicians scored significantly lower than other types of creatives and “normal” folk. “Despite their job involving the illusion of delving into mystery, magicians were less likely to have unusual experiences such as hallucinations or cognitive disorganization,” the analysis found.

Mr. Gil Greengross, who led the research, pointed out that this was the first study to show a creative group with lower scores on psychotic traits than the general population.
“Our research shows that magicians do not exhibit higher levels of mental disorders. The results demonstrate that the association between creativity and psychopathology is more complex than previously thought,” Mr. Greengross commented.
According to the researcher, magicians scored low on “impulsive nonconformity”, a trait that is associated with antisocial behavior and lower self-control.
“This trait is valuable for many creative groups, such as writers, poets, and comedians, whose acts are often edgy and challenge conventional wisdom. Magicians can be equally innovative and push the limits. However, many magicians perform familiar tricks or variations of them without feeling the need to innovate,” Mr. Greengross further noted.

The magicians were recruited for the study with help from groups including the Magic Circle in the UK, the Society of American Magicians, and the International Brotherhood of Magicians. The participants were aged from late teenagers to 90.
Ms. Sara Crasson, a New York magician who worked on the study, observed that “magic was a way of getting “positive social status and attention.” According to the magician, it often helps overcome a lack of social skills, gives confidence, and can really help overcome issues.
“There’s a lot of precision in how a piece is executed. When you see a top magician performing, in every move and every word, there is meaning and thought,” Ms. Crasson further added.