Tokyo: Japan’s strongest typhoon of the year also known as Typhoon 10 has made landfall in the country’s south-west, bringing heavy rain and winds of up to 252 km/h (157 mph), that can create havoc. Typhoon No 10, caused landfall on the island of Kyushu. The power company reported that around 254,610 houses were already without electricity.
“Typhoon Shanshan is expected to approach southern Kyushu with extremely strong force,” Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshimasa Hayashi stated. “It is expected that violent winds, high waves and storm surges at levels that many people have never experienced before may occur”, Hayashi added.

In addition, the Kagoshima region received its highest level of “special warning” from the agency due to strong storms, waves, as well as elevated tides, local authorities there advised 56,000 people to evacuate.
Authorities had issued a rare typhoon warning for most parts of Kagoshima, a prefecture in southern Kyushu. Residents residing around the at-risk areas have been informed to remain on high alert ready to move and both transport operators and airlines are cancelling trains and flights.
‘The storm is moving northwards at just 15km/h’, the meteorological agency said. There have already been reports of several deaths and casualties in the landslides which is a major disaster in mountainous areas. Also, a huge number of people have been alerted to evacuate from those areas that are proned to landslides.