China: The World Health Organization (WHO) has stated that Chinese officials must share more real-time information on COVID as infections surge across the country.
COVID-19 cases have soared in China as the country lifted many of its strict restrictions. As a result, several countries have begun screening travelers from China.

“WHO again asked for regular sharing of specific and real-time data on the epidemiological situation and data on vaccinations delivered and vaccination status, especially in vulnerable people and those over 60,” the UN health agency shared in a statement issued after talks with Chinese officials.
The agency added that it was willing to provide support in these areas as well as help address the issue of vaccine hesitancy. The organisation further stressed the need for monitoring as well as the timely publication of data to help China and the global community build accurate risk assessments and inform effective responses.
The Chinese National Health Commission remarked that its health officials had exchanged views with the WHO and that more technical exchanges would be held.

Earlier, the most populated country adopted a “zero-COVID” policy that included strict lockdowns even if only a handful of cases were reported, mass testing in places with cases, and isolating people with COVID at home or under quarantine at government facilities.
The sudden lifting of many of China’s restrictions came after widespread protests against the government’s management of the disease.
The Chinese government currently reports an infection rate of around 5,000 per day. However, according to analysts, the official data is vastly undercounted, and the daily caseload may be closer to one million.