Brazil: The Brazilian President Mr. Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva has accused that ex-leader Mr. Jair Bolsonaro’s allies, who attacked the presidential palace, had help from “Bolsonaro supporters” inside the palace.
The Brazilian President stated that he had ordered a “thorough review” of palace staff after the riot, which saw supporters of his far-right predecessor Mr. Jair Bolsonaro storm the presidency, congress, and supreme court.

“I am convinced that the door to the Planalto palace was opened so these people could get in because I didn’t see the front door broken down. And that means that somebody facilitated their entry here,” Mr. Lula commented on the capital, Brasilia.
“Many people in the military police were complicit. There were many people in the armed forces here inside [the palace] who were complicit,” the veteran leftist politician added.
According to the President, the presidential palace “was full of Bolsonarists and military officials, and we want to try to correct this so we can appoint career civil servants, preferably civilian ones.”

In addition, Mr. Lula accused local security officials, who were commanded by Mr. Bolsonaro’s former Justice Minister Mr. Anderson Torres, of incompetence or active involvement with the rioters.
The rioters looted offices, destroyed priceless works of art, and left graffiti messages calling for a military coup in their wake.
Authorities are investigating who planned and financed the riots, for which more than 1,000 people have been arrested.