Moscow: Pavel Durov, Telegram CEO, has condemned the recent arrest of a key employee as a “misguided” and politically motivated action. In a statement, Durov expressed his outrage over the arrest, which he claims is part of a broader campaign to stifle dissent and undermine digital freedoms.
The employee, whose identity has not been disclosed, was taken into custody by authorities on charges that remain unclear, but are suspected to be related to the company’s ongoing legal battles with several governments over data privacy and security issues. Durov asserts that the arrest is a direct attack on Telegram’s commitment to protecting user privacy and freedom of speech.
I'm still trying to understand what happened in France. But we hear the concerns. I made it my personal goal to prevent abusers of Telegram's platform from interfering with the future of our 950+ million users.
My full post below.
— Pavel Durov (@durov) September 5, 2024
Durov said in a statement that, “This arrest is a clear attempt to intimidate and silence those who champion digital freedom and privacy. We will not be cowed by such misguided actions. Telegram remains steadfast in its mission to provide a secure platform for free expression.”
Last month, French authorities detained Pavel Durov as part of an investigation into criminal activities conducted via Telegram and the platform’s purported failure to cooperate with law enforcement. The Russian government has yet to respond to Durov’s allegations, but the incident has already drawn widespread criticism from privacy advocates and human rights organizations.
There is growing concern that this action may indicate a harsher approach by authorities toward tech companies that oppose government requests for user data. As the situation unfolds, Durov and Telegram’s legal team are anticipated to vigorously contest the charges while continuing to advocate for digital rights worldwide.
Pavel Durov’s Arrest and Bail

Pavel Durov, a multi-citizenship holder and CEO of Telegram (founded in 2013, in London, UK), was arrested in France on August 25, 2024, amid allegations that the platform was being used for illegal activities, including organized crime, child pornography, and drug trafficking. Durov, who holds citizenship in the United Arab Emirates, Russia, Saint Kitts and Nevis, and France, was questioned by French authorities for four days. On August 28, 2024, he was released on bail, which was set at €5 million (approximately USD 5.56 million).
As part of his bail conditions, Durov must report to a local police station twice a week and is prohibited from leaving France. The legal proceedings are ongoing, and further developments are expected. His multi-citizenship status plays a significant role in his global presence and movement, which is pertinent to his legal situation in France.